Thursday, February 11, 2010

Opi nail polish question?

hi i have recently started to love opi nail polish and buy at least 3 when they release a new collection. my question is what happens to opi nail polish in a few years? does the polish start to thicken where its hard to apply? thats just what ive heard is it true? thanks for your time gals!Opi nail polish question?
After a long long time it might start to thicken but OPI is great because if it does add a LITTLE BIT of nail polish remover. Same thing goes for the top coat. because the top coat will thicken before the polish. hoped this helped!Opi nail polish question?
No it does not. OPI nail polish is also my fave brand of nail poloish and I've used it for 2 years and its still the same for me.

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